Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just me!!




Okay-- Luke has hogged this blog thing long enough. I think I deserve a chance to be on here by myself. He isn't much for sharing, so it is a good thing he is napping right now, so I can get one up on him.
Things around here have been going pretty good for me. I must say there is way more room out here, and it isn't nearly as hot. I am adjusting to life here, and I am becoming more comfortable. Sleeping long stretches is still not my thing, but I am trying to get better about it. I am also really enjoying this contraption they call a swing, and I just got this new thing called a bumpo that is pretty cool. Once again though, Luke thought it was for him, but I have some news for him- it isn't. I will send some photos later of the bumpo.
As for now, I am starting to get a little tired, so talk to you guys later. --- Jude
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1 comment:

The Arnold Family said...

Jude, you are too cute! Soon Luke will be your best buddy! Just wait and see.