I just went to my first easter egg hunt. There was alot of chaos, but I managed to find some eggs, complete with goodies inside. I didn't find the golden egg, but maybe next year. I was just as happy to have some eggs with reece eggs inside. They are my favorite. I'm not going to share these.--Luke
I found out that playing in Reese and Sadie's bowls is alot of fun. Especially the water bowls. I can splash and slosh the water around, and it makes a great mess. I am trying to perfect all of these great skill sets so that I can teach my little brother. That's right--we found out that I am going to have a little brother. I can't wait!! -- Look out nana and maw maw.- love, Luke
Okay, my mom got this "great" idea to dress me up and take easter pictures for a card. I don't know who she was kidding. That fake grass stuff stuck to everything and I didn't care for that, nor did I like those awful ears she was trying to get me to wear. However, I think she was successful after about 100photos. There was one picture that she deemed perfect. I guess you all will have to wait for your cards to see it.--Luke
Well, mom and dad seem to be having a terrible time picking a new name for my brother or sister. We find out Thurs. if it is a boy or girl, so I am hoping that will help them out some. In the meantime, I have decided to circle my favorite names. Hope they like them--Luke
I am trying out this new sport--boucncy seat surfing. So far it is going well. I have really been able to get some bounce the more I practice. I am working up to no hands, but so far that hasn't worked out so well for me. I have a few war wounds to show that. I will keep working it at it.--Luke
Hi everyone!! Hasn't this weather been great. Mom and I went to the park in our neighborhood Friday afternoon and we had a great time. There were other little people there to play with, and the activities seemed endless. I played in the mulch, went up and down the slide, and swang on the swings. This one lady even had a little dog out there that was really funny. Mom called it a weeny dog. I can't wait to go again. Luke
I have discovered that with these different sized blocks I can build all kinds of things. Mom helps me a little but I really like to stack them up and then bulldoze them down. I had my 15month check up this week and I am starting to level off, as "they" say. I am 30.5 inches tall, and 23.5 lbs. Dad told me that this was ok, because I was already half of mommy's height. I guess I had better start drinking my milk better if I want to be big and strong--Luke
Here I am with Elmo. I love Elmo. Every morning when Elmo comes on tv, I go get my Elmo so we can watch together. Then I love to see my Elmo dance the hokey pokey. It is great fun. --Luke
I love looking at books. It has become one of my favorite pastimes. Turning the pages and looking at the pictures is great. I have a few favorite books: Dig, Dig, Digging, Green eggs and ham, I love you Elmo, & Thomas the train are just a few. Books with Rhyming lines are always highly rated too. Well I am off to read. Luke