Learning how to eat with a fork and a spoon have been quite fun for; mom says I am becoming more civilized. I don't know about that. Eating with a fork is a little bit eaiser than trying to use the spoon. As you can see from above, getting the yogart onto the spoon and in the mouth can be quite the challenge. --Luke
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Here I am learning how to tap out a tune on the bells. I have been practicing daily and I am getting pretty good. I like composing my own music; better that playing the traditional tunes. I think I have found a new talent. --Luke
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Good morning all! This is me last Saturday, when I helped root the Wolfpack on to a win over the Tarheels. Mom said that she would be a good sport and let Dad and I gloat for the evening. I have been learning alot lately about being a good sport, sharing, and these things called manners. I don't know that I like them so much, but I guess I had better try. Mom seems quite persistant. I hope everyone has a good weekend.--Luke
I know it has been a while since I have last blogged, but mommy and I have been very busy. However, as you can see, I have found some time to just relax. I got this comfy chair at Nana and Granddaddy's and I really love it. It is just perfect for watching some TV while sipping on juice. I won't wait so long before checking back in. Luke