Monday, November 26, 2007

UNC/ NC State Tailgating





Well these pictures are going in a little late, but here we are at te UNC vs. NC State game. It was quite cool that morning, so we had to get all bundled up. I wore my state appearal and Jude wore UNC appearal. Mom and dad also dressed differently. It was quite fun. I even learned how to say Go Wolfpack--and do the finger moves with it for dad. Nana kept telling me to say go heels. This is all quite confusing for a little man. I guess I will get this football thing figured out someday.--Luke and Jude
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jude's Christening





This Sunday I was Christened into my church family. I recieved a rude awaking during my morning nap with water running down my head, but I remained calm and did not even make a peep. Lots of people were there looking at me and they even sang me a song. I also recieved my first bible. All in all, it was a pretty cool experice, except for the hat they made me wear.--Jude
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Luke's first dentist visit




Hey everyone-- I had my first trip to the dentist last week. It was a pretty cool place. I showed the dentist how I brush my teeth, and he looked inside my mouth when I was done, and told me I did a great job. He said my teeth were so clean that I could get a prize out of the grab bag. Then they painted this bubble gum tasting stuff on my teeth and said I was all done. It wasn't too bad of a visit. Although, I don't know if I want to go again soon.--Luke
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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just hanging out





Well I have decide that having a brother is pretty cool this week. We have been hanging out; watching some toons, football, and listening to music. I like having someone to do stuff with, I only wish Jude could draw with me, or play trains. Mom says that he will be able to before we know it and then I probably will not want him to play with my stuff. We shall see about that. --Luke and Jude
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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

More Halloween


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more Halloween




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Halloween Pics





Jude and I had so much fun trick or treating. We received all kinds of good sugary treats. Nana and Granddaddy helped us get ready. I was a monkey and Jude was a pumpkin head. We took pictures of all of the cul-de-sac kids. We will share all of the photos.--Luke and Jude
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