Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What has happened to my cabinets?

I'm not sure what happened to my cabinets. Yesterday, I could still get everything out, but this morning something strange has occured. I can't get the darn things open. I have tried and tried but they just will not open. I guess I will have to find something else to occupy my time.--Luke

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Merry Christmas!!

Well we are getting ready for Christmas here, and mom says we need to take pictues. However, after I got over my stomach virus, I began cutting two molars and I have not been a happy camper this week. So pictures were not on my agenda, nor was the rescheduled B'day party. I am starting to feel better now that one of the molars has broken thru all the way. I guess the good news is, I can eat steak!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 04, 2006

Happy Birthday to ME

Yesterday was my very first birthday. I was looking really foward to my party, but after the Apex xmas parade I got really sick; and then mommy got sick. We both had the stomach flu. It was horrible. My party had to be rescheduled. Dad did blow up a few balloons for me and him and mom let me open there gift and Reece and Sadie's gift to me. I got this really cool elmo that does the hokey pokey. Reece and Sadie don't like it very much, but I think it is funny. Now that I am feeling better, I can look foward to my redo party on Friday. --Luke Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 01, 2006

Happy Turkey Day

Hi everyone!! Here I am enjoying Thanksgiving over at Nana and Granddaddy's. I had my first fried turkey and it was good. I shared a plate of food with Nana and I even got chocolate cake for desert. I really like all of this holiday food stuff.--Luke Posted by Picasa